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A wonderful personalized memory of your pregnancy


Where is the molding done?

In Jessica's studio (Castelnau-le-lez, 34).

Jessica also comes to you in the Languedoc Region - Roussillon with hardware necessary.

(Additional costs for travel).

How is the molding going?

It's very simple and 100% safe for you and your baby. Molding  occurs from the 8th month. 

Plaster strips (medical and hypoallergenic) are applied to your bust previously covered with sweet almond oil or petroleum jelly. The time de exposure lasts 30 minutes. Then allow 10 minutes for drying and removal from the mould.

Realization / Customization

jessica  then leave with your cast to make the impression interior  (against molding).

The resulting bust will be sanded, honed and decorated to suit your tastes and preferences.

Delivery of the finished product within 4 weeks


700€: Finalized work (Photo opposite)
(Choice of colors seen with client).

Additional option: "Presentation of the sculpture on canvas":100€. (As photo opposite)


06 30 96 58 12 /

"Depuis tout le temps fascinée par ce phénomène de vie qu'est la grossesse, j'ai eu à coeur de créer une oeuvre d'art atypique qui grave pour toujours le souvenir de cette merveilleuse étape de vie et tout ce qu'elle symbolise..."



“Great experience,
This pregnancy creation is a superb work that we enjoy staging in our house, moreover it seduces our baby at every glance, his first home! And the dad also takes pleasure in remembering these beautiful memories...   We highly recommend! A great idea to afford or to offer"

marion  and Jean-Eric, parents of little Raphaël.

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